The cornerstone of Embedded Wizard was laid in 2002. The creative heads behind the framework never lay back and let things go their way.

Paul and Manfred are the core engineers and responsible as partners for Embedded Wizard’s architecture. Since the first days of this GUI solution, Alexander backed up the experts with his business skills and comprehension for market needs. Later, Manuel joined as a new impulse generator and became the product manager. The framework wouldn’t be as far-reaching as it is without Rudolf. With his deep-dive knowledge about software structure and vast experience, he brings small as well as big projects on the road and overviews all success components of the GUI Services’ universe.

In a musketeer manner, these visionaries put never-ending energy, ideas, developing competence, and sense for customer needs in their GUI development framework.

Manuel Melic

Rudolf Leberfinger

Martina Dyckerhoff

Christiane Moser

Martin Lindauer

Julian Wimmer

Vanessa Reingruber

TARA Systems: Incubator of Embedded Wizard

Embedded Wizard could perfectly grow under the patronage of TARA Systems, a technology-driven independent software company providing components and services for embedded systems in the field of consumer electronics, industrial, automotive, medical, home appliances and mobile devices for more than 30 years.

Having its roots in semiconductors, TARA Systems has conquered new target markets since its foundation in 1990, especially due to its competence in the field of graphical user interfaces and guidance. 

The sophisticated Embedded Wizard framework grew over two decades. Until today the whole team is driven by the idea to provide a comfortable workflow for resource-constrained embedded systems.

We Live Life-Long Learning

To date, Embedded Wizard is successfully deployed on more than 500 million devices and is actively used by hundreds of companies world-wide. The team hasn’t come so far only to accept its status quo. We go the extra mile and continually challenge the state-of-the-art. Every team member keeps learning: from our projects, our customers, our partners and market developments. Why? We aspire to improve the framework, to ensure the best customer and user experience – and to learn from a trusting customer on eye-level.

Our Values and Belief

Progress is what Embedded Wizard stands for. Our customers describe us as hard-working, goal-oriented and reliable. The technology of Embedded Wizard and the services around it are efficient key components for their success. Customer success is our highest goal.

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