Master Class Mondays Open a New Chapter

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Online trainings start with advanced topics now - Sept 14th, 2020

At the beginning of June, we started the online trainings Master Class Mondays. Developers who were both new and known to the Embedded Wizard framework were equally invited to join the free educational online pieces of training.

The attendees’ goal is to become an Embedded Wizard expert. Referring to one of our mottos of “We Live Life-Long Learning”, every team member keeps learning: we learn from our projects, our customers, our partners, and market developments. Why? We aspire to improve the framework, to ensure the best customer and user experience – and to learn from a trusting customer on eye-level.

So the idea to offer our expertise in a way everybody can be a part of it was just a logical step.

In our first series of classes six topics were covered:

  1. Fundamentals
  2. Embedded Wizard Studio
  3. Chora
  4. Mosaic Framework
  5. Platform Package & Build Environment
  6. Device Integration – or: How to exchange data?

After our short summer break, we welcome every learner back to the usual Monday time frame for our Master Classes (10 a.m. CEST and 5 p.m. CEST).

Here is the whole Playlist:


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Online trainings re-start with advanced topics

These coming pieces of training will be presented by our GUI Services team. The attendees will benefit from our experience with numerous customer projects over 15 years. This vast expertise will be the building block of the following online trainings.

So we are now moving a step away from learning how to use the features of Embedded Wizard as an expert and imparting strategies to gain an in-depth understanding of how to realize GUI projects with the help of this powerful framework.

Embedded Wizard Team welcomes all attendees

The advanced series will start with the focus on GUI architecture examples. This will be picturing a rich set of typical and best-in-class GUI architectures. Next to this, essential instruments to structure the GUI and to manage layered screens will be conveyed.

I am looking forward to welcoming all persons who are interested to go down the way of simplifying the graphical user interface development with Embedded Wizard. Our goal is to enable embedded developers to offer state-of-the-art user interfaces for best customer experiences.

Embedded Wizard does not force to follow a strict software architecture in order to create a user interface. However, a good software architecture is a major step in simplifying the implementation and maintenance of a software project. Based on our long history of implementing various customer projects we want to share our expertise with you in a hands-on session. It should help you to find the right architecture tailored to your needs.

In future classes, we are offering topics that inspect elaborate features and help to gain a professional project handling for your GUI. As usual, attendees are involved as to vote for the topics to come.
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