
Embedded Wizard 14 – New Release!

Why Should You Try Out Embedded Wizard 14? The latest version of Embedded Wizard is now available, packed with new features to elevate your GUI development to new heights. Embedded Wizard 14 empowers you to develop more sophisticated, visually stunning, and memory-efficient GUIs with the flexibility to scale and adapt. By optimizing graphics, managing resources,[…]

Standardizing GUI Development with Open-CMSIS

Embedded Wizard is Harnessing the Power of Open-CMSIS-Packs In the rapidly evolving landscape of embedded systems, efficiency and accessibility are crucial factors that drive innovation and product success. The traditional approach often involves writing individual code tailored to a specific platform. However, in today’s dynamic environment, the need for reusability and a rapid software development[…]

Best Practice in GUI Development:
Live Data Prototyping

In this recording of the Best Practice Live Demo at Embedded World 2024, our Head of GUI Services, Rudolf Leberfinger, showcased how seamless live data prototyping is with Embedded Wizard. During his presentation, he also emphasized the crucial role of user experience in crafting modern and intuitive GUIs. By watching this demo, you’ll gain valuable[…]

Easy GUI Development: PHYTEC & Embedded Wizard

Embedded systems play a crucial role in nearly every industry, from medical devices to automotive applications. However, GUI development for embedded systems poses unique challenges for engineers. Meeting these demands requires innovative approaches that streamline the GUI development process while ensuring reliability and performance. The collaboration between Embedded Wizard and PHYTEC offers a comprehensive solution,[…]

Official Launch: Embedded Wizard 13

Just released! Embedded Wizard 13 is easier to use than ever. It’s time for another update – Embedded Wizard 13 is out! Since the last refresh, the team behind Embedded Wizard has been working diligently in order to streamline and extend the UI tool. As always: enhancing, improving and extending is key. “To date, our[…]

Out now: Embedded Wizard 11

What’s new in Embedded Wizard 11? With the just-released version 11 you’ve added a second optimization level to the Chora compiler. How does this enhance the development process? As you probably already know, the Chora Compiler “converts” the GUI program developed with Embedded Wizard Studio to the target’s source code, which is usually for embedded systems[…]

New: Embedded Wizard 10.0

New Version Embedded Wizard 10.0 with Extensive Improvements The just-released Embedded Wizard version 10.0, the professional software for the realization of graphical user interfaces (GUI), contains extensive and time-efficient process improvements within the integrated development environment (IDE). Furthermore, the own visual programming language Chora receives extensions to data types and functions. The license models were[…]

Master Class Mondays Open a New Chapter

Online trainings start with advanced topics now – Sept 14th, 2020 At the beginning of June, we started the online trainings Master Class Mondays. Developers who were both new and known to the Embedded Wizard framework were equally invited to join the free educational online pieces of training. The attendees’ goal is to become an[…]

MCUXpresso: TARA Systems collaborating with NXP

TARA Systems collaborating with NXP: Spicing up the GUI developer tool scene with Embedded Wizard integrated into MCUXpresso SDK Two webinars ahead presented and hosted by NXP, supported by Embedded Wizard Embedded Wizard is a reliable embedded GUI development framework by TARA Systems, a member of the NXP Partner Programm. NXP, the world leader in[…]

Impressions of Embedded World 2020

This year’s embedded world has shown that from literally one day to another things in business can change. Our credo was: “Let’s make the best out of it and spice up the embedded software scene.” To be honest, we went to Nuremberg with minimum expectations. From our side we can proudly say: Our team effort[…]

Embedded Wizard 9.30

It’s update-time again: In Sprints, our developers have optimized and enhanced our UI tool Embedded Wizard, to guarantee you as a developer the best user experience. Here is a brief overview of the updates in the 9.30 release: Memory usage monitoring (RAM & Flash) We added the possibility of monitoring. A bar chart shows the[…]

New Version 9.10 is here!

Even Nicer GUIs With New Improvements We are very proud to announce the brand-new Embedded Wizard 9.10! Here is just a taste of what you can expect: Drawing Arabic characters dynamically during runtime More freedom in designing your GUI due to the new text rotation feature Beautiful GUI appearance with font kerning feature SEE RELEASE[…]

Support of NXP i.MX RT1064

Sophisticated HMIs With One-Chip-Solution With the new i.MX RT1064 there is no need for extra RAM or flash anymore per default. Now you can develop high-class GUIs with a one-chip-solution as the i.MX RT1064 comes with quite sufficient SRAM and integrated flash. Moreover, you’ll also get a first-class GUI performance while offloading the CPU due[…]

9.0 is here!

– Vector Graphics: From arcs to polygons to any shape – Dialogs: Manage multiple screens and their transitions easily – Widgets: Define your style and customize your UI components For detailed information about new features read our Release Notes.

New V8.20

– Integrate your UI project more easily with IAR and Keil – Enjoy extended functionality of Mosaic class library – Find new examples for a quick start

New Version 8.10 released

Do you intend to use an external TFT controller with its own graphic RAM via 8080 or SPI interface (e.g. ILI9341 or SSD2119)? With our new release it is now possible to render directly into that video memory without allocating any framebuffer within your MCU – and this shrinks your memory footprint dramatically. Try it[…]

Free Webinar: Graphics on LPC546xx MCU Family

Integrating a rich GUI into your next IoT application We, together with our partner NXP, invite you to webinar series, where you will learn how to design and implement a high-performance, cost effective GUI on the LPC546xx family. We will show you how to easily create amazing GUIs, delivering magnificent performance with Embedded Wizard. We[…]

New Evaluation Edition

– Completely free of charge and ready to use for optimal evaluation – Generate source code for your embedded platform – Run your GUI directly on your target – Dedicated to small and less complex GUI applications

New Starter Edition

Is your project based on an STM32 microcontroller? Will the number of production units per year be less than 500? Are you working within a GCC based build environment? Then our new Starter Edition is a perfect fit for your project!

New Preview Version of Embedded Wizard 7.0

Simplifying Target Integration To simplify the integration of Embedded Wizard applications with your underlying business logic, your device’s peripherals or your 3rd party library, we prepared a set of new templates to integrate and use those interfaces easily. The new templates are implemented as a framework and are based on best practices we have worked[…]

New Platform Package for STM32F469

With the new ARM Cortex-M4 based STM32F469 SoC from STMicroelectronics you can easily use wide-spread displays found in smartphones and wearables by utilizing the SoC’s built-in display serial interface (DSI). With Embedded Wizard you can develop and deploy high-performance GUIs in an efficient way very quickly.

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