Consumer Electronics

User Interface Technology
for Metz TV


Product: User Interface for TV set
Company: Metz Classic
Domain: Consumer Electronics
GUI Development
supported by: TARA Systems 

Established in 1938, Metz is one of the longest established consumer electronics companies in Germany. Starting with photo equipment and later radio and TV products, Metz is a reliable brand in Europe for more than eight decades. From a consumer perspective, the local engineering of Metz Classic is especially beneficial to perfectly fit the high Central European market needs.

The History

Metz and TARA Systems established a close customer relation already back at analog TV times. TARA provided Teletext (TARA’s Teletext success story). Decoder software for Metz’ televisions, as well as graphical user interface (GUI) technology and further ingredients such as our Inaris Database for their products. A GUI for their TV devices developed with the Embedded Wizard framework has been introduced already in 2002. For the changing TV platform requirements of Metz’ devices, such as the SoCs Micronas MDE, Trident QX, or Sigma SX, TARA’s building blocks had been successfully ported and until today are still part of the overall TV Software.

The Metz HMI

With dedicated involvement over several generations of TV sets, Metz Classic developed and established a comprehensive and intuitive state-of-the-art user interface for all of their products. The reliability, continuity, and easy usability of the TV sets and its interfaces containing everything needed for a SmartTV, are loved by its customers. 

For already a few decades TARA Systems and the Embedded Wizard team are regularly involved in UX improvements and product updates. As one of the latest involvements of our GUI services team, the grid style of the Electric Program Guide (EPG) was cross-generationally optimized and today is available in several European and non-European languages. 

Metz’s highest goal, a highly-performant user interface with hassle-free navigation, is well received. Design-wise strictly following its CI colors is making the UI a timeless classic, from a consumer perspective.
Rainer Wachtler — Head of DevelopmentMetz Classic
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We appreciate our close relationship to TARA Systems for decades now. All over the years, TARA Systems has been contributing with sustainable Software concepts, important Software building blocks and helping us to improve UX. Last but not least they provided their UI technology Embedded Wizard including various services for our TV products to meet complex market needs. We are also impressed with TARA’s long-term stability and their great professional engineering skills. We really like to work with them and look forward to the next challenges.

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