GUI for Urban VitalControl

Product: VitalControl
Company: Urban GmbH & Co. KG
Domain: Agricultural
Platform: STM32L4
GUI developed by: TARA Systems
Since 1984, Urban equipment has been making farmers’ work easier, ensuring that animals stay healthy and vital and that diseases are detected early on. Body temperature is an important health indicator for calves. So far, the measured temperature data mostly had to be recorded manually. With their new mobile device, Urban intends to bring about a change. The device measures, records and evaluates body temperature and transmits it to a central evaluation system.
The Solution
Urban was facing several challenges: from housing construction, hardware selection, sensor technology, data processing to the development of an embedded GUI, which was a relatively new field for Urban. It quickly became clear that Urban had to bring experts on board in order to get a good product to market. And so, together with other project partners, we became part of this great project. Our support consisted of developing the GUI with our Embedded Wizard tool.
In a constant dialogue and an agile process, we were able to overcome all the challenges together with other project partners. The clinical thermometer – Urban VitalControl – was introduced to the world in 2018.
- Scanning of the animal transponder for the direct allocation of the collected data to the individual animal.
- Temperature measurement and immediate color evaluation of the calf within the common temperature range.
- Visual animal evaluation: easy evaluation of the general health condition or in the categories feed intake, feces or respiratory diseases.
- Clear graphics on temperature development or the general health condition of the animal.
- Possibility to generate own control lists with which targeted controls can be carried out regularly.
- Coupling with third-party devices: VitalControl transmits its data to a central evaluation system via USB or Bluetooth.
- Alarm lists with conspicuous animals are created on the basis of the collected data so that animals requiring urgent action can be recognized more quickly.
VitalControl optimally supports farmers in their routine tasks and helps make sure that animals stay healthy.
For this innovation, Urban VitalControl was awarded the Innovation Award of the EuroTier 2018 in silver by the DLG. We congratulate Urban and look forward to further exciting joint projects.